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Twitter New Thread 1.2
Thanks for the new version.
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will you be updating this to move to the oAuth method? Twitter is supposed to be dropping basic http auth on Aug 16
Lost interest, sold my sites, will browse here once in a while. It's been fun.
If they drop it I guess I will have to. Thanks for the headsup on the date time to look for libary to support it hopefully it can stay linked behind the scenes....
I have been looking into it myself for a little bit today and found one a library that seems pretty easy to use and takes little effort to prepare. Its from

However, to use the new oAuth setup, its not longer a simple MyBB plugin. The plugin owner (site admin or Twitter account owner) needs to register an application under their account on the Twitter dev site, setting up a browser app, read/write access etc. This will generate a token and secret. Then that same Twitter account owner needs to grab their consumer token and consumer secret.

These four items are used for authentication in the plugin when it calls the twitter class and then the plugin can post to the Twitter profile.

i am still working with how to use the callback URL parameter and if it is actually needed. there is also a curl_followlocation issue i am having with openbasedir set, but i think i can simply comment that option out.

if you are going to upgrade the plugin anyway, please add a CSV list of forums that should get tweeted.
Lost interest, sold my sites, will browse here once in a while. It's been fun.
(2010-07-23, 12:05 AM)pavemen Wrote: I have been looking into it myself for a little bit today and found one a library that seems pretty easy to use and takes little effort to prepare. Its from

However, to use the new oAuth setup, its not longer a simple MyBB plugin. The plugin owner (site admin or Twitter account owner) needs to register an application under their account on the Twitter dev site, setting up a browser app, read/write access etc. This will generate a token and secret. Then that same Twitter account owner needs to grab their consumer token and consumer secret.

These four items are used for authentication in the plugin when it calls the twitter class and then the plugin can post to the Twitter profile.

i am still working with how to use the callback URL parameter and if it is actually needed. there is also a curl_followlocation issue i am having with openbasedir set, but i think i can simply comment that option out.

if you are going to upgrade the plugin anyway, please add a CSV list of forums that should get tweeted.

That sucks that's what happens when people don't think of the developers/users adds a whole new layer of complex things to deal with and not really improving that much
yeah, its kind of a PITA to get setup, but have the sample/test page from the above link working on my twitter account. i will likely write my own plugin in the next 1-2 days (depending on my real job) just to get it done and my site where i need it to be.
Lost interest, sold my sites, will browse here once in a while. It's been fun.
Sucks for me since I run forum hosting and have it automated so now all these people will have to go though a bunch more hoops to get it working.
i understand that. i would suggest you create a good step by step document for your clients to walk them through the process.
Lost interest, sold my sites, will browse here once in a while. It's been fun.
Well if your gonna modify it you should use the coding I incorporated to block private forums from being tweeted.

The oauth integration is not really difficulat at all, but I do believe that your users will need to comfigure theit Twitter accounts. It took me all of 5 minutes to egister the app and configure my account for the Login with Twitter mod.
yeah, its turning out to be easier than I expected.. I have resorted to a simple setting for entering a CSV list of FIDs to tweet from (or 0 to tweet from all).

the other thing is that Twitter is now automatically converting URLs to URLs when the status includes a URL and then will auto truncate the message to fit was well.
Lost interest, sold my sites, will browse here once in a while. It's been fun.

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