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Not Solved [Error Message] Cache like issues, duplicate posts, PM's not marked as read...
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Detailed description of your problem, including steps to reproduce if necessary
Odd issues started today:

Users reported posts which appear to sometimes give "The specified thread does not exist." I disabled Google SEO plugin to see the topic ID's and they were the same. I copied one of the posts, then deleted the old one, but they are still somehow linked.

I can even go into phpmyadmin and select edit on the topic ID 1st post...and it will sometimes load the other one even though they have different TID's now. Undecided See URL's below.

Another issue was marking PM's as read....you could read a PM, then it would show up as a new PM again. Could do this multiple times. Also tried deleting, and it didn't delete.

Admin panel also requests credentials on almost every page. I double checked the cache settings (which had not changed) and they are correct. I tried removing the inc/settings.php file but even after clicking around it didn't get regenerated. As far as I can tell it is fine though.

URL to your forum/URL to specific problematic page

Try refreshing them and you'll see what I mean.


Here's the other one:

Refresh this page a few times and you'll see them change in the forum as well: http://www.clanbbf.com/Forum-Star-Wars-The-Old-Republic

New installation or upgrade (from which version of MyBB)?

We've been running 1.6.5 since 12/3 without any issue until today. We thoroughly tested, updated plugins, put the announcement fix in place, tested more, and everything had been running smooth.

Test user account (if a posting/UserCP issue)

Not really a posting issue, but you can register on the board if you want.

Screenshot or error text, verbatim

The specified thread does not exist.
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Just guessing but go to: ACP > Tools & Maintenance > Cache Manager > forumsdisplay > Rebuild Cache
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(2011-12-08, 09:08 AM)pdtrx Wrote: Just guessing but go to: ACP > Tools & Maintenance > Cache Manager > forumsdisplay > Rebuild Cache

That's not going to help. That recounts announcements and moderator tools.

Try going to Recount & Rebuild and update the counters. It seems strange that this is sudden.
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Thanks for the feedback. I had tried that already, then realized it was likely more than just a cache issue.

I'm wondering if there are two databases which are not synchronized.....seems a likely answer to this mystery I've been trying to figure out tonight.

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It was a database server issue where one server was causing issues with synchronization for the cluster. It was very odd for a while there until the issue was resolved by the host.

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Good to know that it's resolved now Smile
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