[RC2] vBulletin Style Colour Preview. - Dale Hay - 2004-06-21
When in vBulletin 2.x.x in the admin cp, once you click edit a style you get a little table (only around 50 pixels long) that shows you the colour.
To do this open /admin/themes.php and find:if($action == "edit") { .
Delete everything down to: endtable();
endform("Update Theme", "Reset");
cpfooter(); Then replace it with:if($action == "edit") {
$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM themes WHERE tid='$tid'");
$theme = $db->fetch_array($query);
startform("themes.php", "" , "do_edit");
makehiddencode("tid", "$tid");
tableheader("Modify Theme: $theme[name]");
makeinputcode("Name<br><small>Enter the name of this theme here.</small>", "name", "$theme[name]");
makeselectcode("Template Set<br><small>Select the name of the template set you wish to use for this theme.</small>", "sid", "templatesets", "sid", "title", "$theme[templateset]");
makeinputcode("Body Tag<br><small>In the templates, the <body> tag is replaced with this. Usually this doesnt need editing.</small>", "body", "$theme[body]");
makeinputcode("Text Color<br><small>The text color for this theme.</small><br><table bgcolor=#000000 border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 width=50><tr><td bgcolor=$theme[text]> </td></tr></table>", "text", "$theme[text]");
makeinputcode("Link Color<br><small>The color of links in this theme.</small><br><table bgcolor=#000000 border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 width=50><tr><td bgcolor=$theme[link]> </td></tr></table>", "link", "$theme[link]");
makeinputcode("Image Directory<br><small>Where all the images for this theme reside.</small>", "imgdir", "$theme[imgdir]");
makeinputcode("Forum Logo<br><small>The URL of the image to display as the forum logo in this theme.</small>", "logo", "$theme[logo]");
makeinputcode("Small Font Tag<br><small>In the templates, the <small> tag is replaced with this. Usually this doesnt need editing.</small>", "small", "$theme[small]");
makeinputcode("Small Font End Tag<br><small>In the templates, the </small> tag is replaced with this. Usually this doesnt need editing.</small>", "smallend", "$theme[smallend]");
makeinputcode("Normal Font Tag<br><small>In the templates, the <font> tag is replaced with this. Usually this doesnt need editing.</small>", "font", "$theme[font]");
makeinputcode("Normal Font End Tag<br><small>In the templates, the </font> tag is replaced with this. Usually this doesnt need editing.</small>", "fontend", "$theme[fontend]");
makeinputcode("Large Font Tag<br><small>In the templates, the <large> tag is replaced with this. Usually this doesnt need editing.</small>", "large", "$theme[large]");
makeinputcode("Large Font End Tag<br><small>In the templates, the </large> tag is replaced with this. Usually this doesnt need editing.</small>", "largeend", "$theme[largeend]");
makeinputcode("Main Table Width<br><small>This is the width of the main table which all the page contents will reside under.</small>", "maintablewidth", $theme[maintablewidth]);
makeinputcode("Content Table Width<br><small>This is the width of all tables inside the <b>main</b> table.</small>", "tablewidth", $theme[tablewidth]);
makeinputcode("Content Table Background Color<br><small>Do not get confused, this is the background color of the main table, not the page background color which can be set in the Body Tag option.</small><br><table bgcolor=#000000 border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 width=50><tr><td bgcolor=$theme[bgcolor]> </td></tr></table>", "bgcolor", $theme[bgcolor]);
makeinputcode("Table Spacing", "tablespace", "$theme[tablespace]");
makeinputcode("Border Width", "borderwidth", "$theme[borderwidth]");
makeinputcode("Border Color<br><table bgcolor=#000000 border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 width=50><tr><td bgcolor=$theme[bordercolor]> </td></tr></table>", "bordercolor", "$theme[bordercolor]");
makeinputcode("Header Background Color<br><table bgcolor=#000000 border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 width=50><tr><td bgcolor=$theme[header]> </td></tr></table>", "header", "$theme[header]");
makeinputcode("Header Background Image", "headerimg", "$theme[headerimg]");
makeinputcode("Header Text Color<br><table bgcolor=#000000 border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 width=50><tr><td bgcolor=$theme[headertext]> </td></tr></table>", "headertext", "$theme[headertext]");
makeinputcode("Category Background Color<br><table bgcolor=#000000 border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 width=50><tr><td bgcolor=$theme[category]> </td></tr></table>", "category", "$theme[category]");
makeinputcode("Category Background Image", "categoryimg", "$theme[categoryimg]");
makeinputcode("Category Text Color<br><table bgcolor=#000000 border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 width=50><tr><td bgcolor=$theme[categorytext]> </td></tr></table>", "categorytext", "$theme[categorytext]");
makeinputcode("Table Text Color<br><table bgcolor=#000000 border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 width=50><tr><td bgcolor=$theme[tabletext]> </td></tr></table>", "tabletext", "$theme[tabletext]");
makeinputcode("Alternate Background 1<br><table bgcolor=#000000 border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 width=50><tr><td bgcolor=$theme[altbg1]> </td></tr></table>", "altbg1", "$theme[altbg1]");
makeinputcode("Alternate Background 2<br><table bgcolor=#000000 border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 width=50><tr><td bgcolor=$theme[altbg2]> </td></tr></table>", "altbg2", "$theme[altbg2]");
endform("Update Theme", "Reset");
RE: vBulletin Style Colour Preview. - ELY_M - 2004-06-22
very coool
thanks for mod