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Move usercp menu - Printable Version

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Move usercp menu - NuKeD - 2011-12-05


Is there any way to move the menu of UserCP to this grey area of the left.

I try move {$usercpnav} into header template but no works.

My idea is move all vertical menu of mybb in the left grey area.
Thx!! Big Grin

RE: Move usercp menu - ranjani - 2011-12-05

copy the content of that usercp_nav to your left gray area AND adjust with required css ...

RE: Move usercp menu - NuKeD - 2011-12-05

I found in template usercp_nav this:

<td width="{$lang->ucp_nav_width}" valign="top">
<table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme['borderwidth']}" cellpadding="{$theme['tablespace']}" class="tborder">
		<td class="thead"><strong>{$lang->ucp_nav_menu}</strong></td>
		<td class="trow1 smalltext"><a href="usercp.php" class="usercp_nav_item usercp_nav_home">{$lang->ucp_nav_home}</a></td>