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Captcha before posting new thread/post - Printable Version

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Captcha before posting new thread/post - anori - 2012-04-17

Well i thanks to Yaldaram already got an answer to how this is possible. But now i have more the question is anybody able (and ofcourse willing) to turn this into a Plugin for me.

This is what i need:

A plugin that will do the php code changes displayed in this thread:

Quote:In the following files:

./showthread.php line 1052
./newreply.php line 438 and 1030
./newthread.php line 370 and 881;

if($mybb->settings['captchaimage'] == 1 && function_exists("imagepng") && !$mybb->user['uid'])

Into this:
if($mybb->settings['captchaimage'] == 1 && function_exists("imagepng") && (!$mybb->user['uid'] || $mybb->user['postnum'] < 10)) 

The 10 being for now the number of post needed

This is so that users below 10 post are required to use the captcha when posting.
A nice little addition for this plugin would be the ability in the options to set:

  1. On/Off Switch
  2. Number of Post Required
  3. Disabled for certain User Groups

Hopefully somebody is willing and able for me to write this plugin. Or give me a direction how im supposed to write it (since i have no clue)

RE: Captcha before posting new thread/post - anori - 2012-04-25

Giving this a bump, still hoping to find somebody who is able to make this into a plugin for me. Or atleast could tell me how i would need to make this into a plugin.

RE: Captcha before posting new thread/post - anori - 2012-05-01

And another bump. Really would like this feature to be turned into a plugin.

RE: Captcha before posting new thread/post - crazy4cs - 2012-05-04

I tried doing and achieving this couple of days ago, but failed hard to to unavailability of certain functions and its likely not possible without doing many core edits.

I hope that devs make future releases of MyBB concerning and looking into this issue. I've seen & still seeing this request for years now. I asked Paul if we together could grab some quick code but this is very hard without the core edits, I'm afraid.

As per what Yaldaram suggested, that is the best option currently for you. Regarding your 3 options for plugin,

1. No need if you're the only one using it.

2. Use below code (start over with);

if($mybb->user['postnum'] ==  '50')

Edit 50 to whatever posts as per your liking.

3. For allowing specific usergroups, use this code (add it on top of the above postnum code):

if(in_array($mybb->user['usergroup'], array('2','8')))

RE: Captcha before posting new thread/post - Alan S. - 2012-05-04

This is the most pointless request ever, that's probably why no one wants to do it; if a spammer has got past the captcha at registration then they'll get past a captcha when posting.

RE: Captcha before posting new thread/post - anori - 2012-05-04

Thank you crazy4cs for looking into it.
To bad its not possible ah well nothing we can do about that.

(2012-05-04, 04:57 PM)Alan Shepperson Wrote: This is the most pointless request ever, that's probably why no one wants to do it; if a spammer has got past the captcha at registration then they'll get past a captcha when posting.

While this is true, but for example having the ability to use two differnt types of captcha's would hold back some more. Nothing for me will top the no URL links/ Images (below a certain number of post) since those kill almost any auto-bot spam thing. But having this as an alternative would have been nice.

Ah well, maybe then a small request if its not possible to turn this in a plugin how could i edit yaldaram's code that it would use the re-Captcha. Instead of the MyBB captcha.

Since i cant use that by default due to the Form Manager plugin not supporting re-Captcha.

RE: Captcha before posting new thread/post - crazy4cs - 2012-05-04

(2012-05-04, 04:57 PM)Alan Shepperson Wrote: This is the most pointless request ever, that's probably why no one wants to do it; if a spammer has got past the captcha at registration then they'll get past a captcha when posting.
That is, however true to some extent, but it still provides an additional layer of security, perhaps, a bot haven't been configured well to use captchas in posts can possibly fail during an attempt to post.

RE: Captcha before posting new thread/post - brad-t - 2012-05-04

Just use spamalyser.

RE: Captcha before posting new thread/post - anori - 2012-05-04

(2012-05-04, 06:46 PM)brad-t Wrote: Just use spamalyser.

Currently i simply use two things what keep everything out:

-Captcha before posting (soon going back probably to the Image/URL restriction plugin with upgrading etc dont have to edit core files that way.)
-Lightbox Splash page (and this thing does wonders Smile ) Since no bot expects to be grabbed and stop dead in the track with a cookie splash page not allowing them to do anything.

RE: Captcha before posting new thread/post - brad-t - 2012-05-04

Your site sounds intensely annoying.