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New Thread, etc buttons - Printable Version

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New Thread, etc buttons - 1984 - 2006-10-18

How do I change the buttons for New Thread and the like to show up if they are PNG? The only ones that show up are GIFs, and they look really bad.

RE: New Thread, etc buttons - Christian - 2006-10-18

You can get a copy of the MyBB GDK here:

If I remember correctly, the GDK comes in a PSD format and then you should be able to save them into png's.

RE: New Thread, etc buttons - Dennis Tsang - 2006-10-18

If you have a PNG file you will have to change the image URL in these templates:

forumdisplay_newthread (located in group: Forum Display Templates)
showthread_newreply (located in group: Show Thread Templates)