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sign-up to calendar events - Printable Version

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sign-up to calendar events - Orbius - 2013-08-09

The reason myself and other admins are taking a serious look at myBB (from SMF), is due to the multiple calendars facility, for which there doesn't seem to be an SMF equivalent. We are a gaming forum and with the new Xbox and Playstation out soon we think 1 calendar will get very crowded.

Can we have in future myBB
There doesn't to be the equivalent feature of members being able to 'sign up' for an event. So if a community member is interested in an event, they click a sign up button and there name is automatically added to a list of interested participants in the OP, with an option button to cancel in future should they wish

Can this feature be added to a future myBB as part of core, as with SMF?

I created a similar thread when I first signed up to MyBB, but created this as a suggestion (and feedback) for future MyBB roadmap