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[How To?] view Logs. - Printable Version

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view Logs. - Tonex - 2013-09-25


How do I view someone's log. He isn't a mod nor an admin in my Forum. Just Normal User. Can anyone help me?

Thanks in Advance!

RE: view Logs. - Matt - 2013-09-25

There isn't a log for every action each user makes, only moderator and admin actions are logged so there's an audit trail for what they've done.

RE: view Logs. - Tonex - 2013-09-25

Okay, Is there a plugin for it?

RE: view Logs. - Tankey - 2013-09-25

Not that I'm aware of.

That plugin must include hooks on every action a user makes. I'm unsure if that is possible in the current MyBB release at all. (I'm not telling there should be though)

RE: view Logs. - Arbaz - 2013-09-26

Is there any certain thing you want to log? Such as username changes, recent login IPS, etc.

RE: view Logs. - Tonex - 2013-09-27

Yes like that

RE: view Logs. - Arbaz - 2013-09-27

Okay. Which action do you want to log specifically?

RE: view Logs. - Tonex - 2013-09-28

All, Login, Edited post, posted changed info on profile etc.

RE: view Logs. - Arbaz - 2013-09-29

That's some massive plan you have there. It would require a custom plugin. You would have to hire a developer to code such a plugin.

RE: view Logs. - Tonex - 2013-09-29

Oh.. I see, Thanks anyways.