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Need help fast, all images are spinning. - Printable Version

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Need help fast, all images are spinning. - Villain - 2013-10-01


My friend tried to do something, to my site to make the logo spin and now every image is spinning.

He said he has removed all spinning code, but it still happens.

If you hover over the logo, or the forum icons, usersbars etc they spin.

Please help.

RE: Need help fast, all images are spinning. - Matt - 2013-10-01

That's quite funny Toungue

In the extras.css file for your theme, there's some transition CSS, remove that and it'll stop.

RE: Need help fast, all images are spinning. - Villain - 2013-10-01

(2013-10-01, 11:47 AM)Matt. Wrote: That's quite funny Toungue

In the extras.css file for your theme, there's some transition CSS, remove that and it'll stop.

I have checked in the extra's, there is nothing there which looks like it will make it rotate.

RE: Need help fast, all images are spinning. - Bala - 2013-10-02

Well looks you solved it and he did not close a div at the top so it got out of control. Dont let him mess with it again until you have proper backups.