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MyBB admin redirects to index? - Printable Version

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MyBB admin redirects to index? - kpj - 2013-10-01

Hello, I have been recently setting up a website for a friends forum and I realized when I went to access the admin panel ( it just redirects me to the main index page.
I have checked the FTP and I cant seem to find anything that could lead me to it.
All help appreciated. Thanks!

RE: MyBB admin redirects to index? - Matt - 2013-10-01

So you don't even get to the login form, it just sends you straight back? Have you added a .htaccess file to the /admin folder or any rewrite rules anywhere?

RE: MyBB admin redirects to index? - MyBB Hoster - 2013-10-02

Clear your cache and your cookies.