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[How To?] Change colors ? - Printable Version

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Change colors ? - BigTimeRush - 2013-10-02

Hey Guys, Where can I find colors for tables for my theme?
I mean, If I want to change background color of forum, change color of postbit, Change color of code box and quote box, Changing the color of forum sections and all others.
Any easy way ?

RE: Change colors ? - Bala - 2013-10-02

Okay it is simple. Go into your adminCP -> Templates/styles -> Your style ->open global.css

The table top aka the head is using .thead just change the background value to any hex code like #ebebeb;
dont forget the semi-colon at the end.

For other areas, just go to your site using chrome/FF and select inspect element to find which class controls it and edit corresponding class in CSS.

RE: Change colors ? - Arbaz - 2013-10-02

(2013-10-02, 01:06 PM)BigTimeRush Wrote: Hey Guys, Where can I find colors for tables for my theme?
I mean, If I want to change background color of forum, change color of postbit, Change color of code box and quote box, Changing the color of forum sections and all others.
Any easy way ?

Take a look at the following document: