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cannot edit others post - Printable Version

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cannot edit others post - Harshit - 2014-01-23

I was using mybb 1.6.10. Recently i took changed files of 1.6.11 & upgraded to mybb 1.6.11, then took changed files of 1.6.12 & upgraded to mybb 1.6.12

Today when i tried to edit a users post then i got this error

yo cant edit posts because you don't have permission to do it

I am the only admin of the forum, then why i can't edit any users post? I can only edit my own post.


Ok, i got the problem. I was checking the plugins by disabling them then i found that by disabling this plugin, everything was working fine.

I have installed its new version i.e. Hide Content Until Reply (1.9)

How to fix this problem ?

RE: cannot edit others post - Whiteneo - 2014-01-25

This is not a problem, is a fixed bug xD.

When you hide contents, sometimes you have to not show this contents, so if you are the creator of that post, you can edit without problems, that to see posible hidden contents, i work on multiquote, quote, edit and quick edit parts to do more functional this plugin.

Well, you have to tell which forums are availables to this plugin and where are not. But you can use the new option to do this and add usergroups who can edit contents to manage your forum and see contents without reply a post. If you are the creator of this post or you are on the usergroups who can view contents without reply, then you can edit every post you need, only appy if is on the forums where this mod apply, another forums have to work as default. If you are an admin only have to add usergroups id, by default 4 on that option of your plugin, and that's all.

Then you can use this feature without problems.

This is a protection to many users who can moderate all forums, but you dont want to this users can change contents, because you have your own people to do this. Then it works in this way, if you have permissions to do this you can do, but you have to tell this on admincp config plugin options and thats all.

I have to works on many areas, like postbir, print thread, archive, syndication, and areas i told before, quick edit, edit, quote and multiquote to works fine, and so many code additions to show images, videos and other contents fine, cache improvement to do more stable and minus charges, it's a plugin with all posible facts fixed and only you have to do what i say, if you donĀ“t want to use this plugin you can configure to do this too, and you can asign what usergroups can edit or manage contents in this area, but if you are the owner, you can do this, at least you have some forum permissions to do another tasks xD.


RE: cannot edit others post - Harshit - 2014-01-26

I gave permissions to admin user groups to view & edit post.

Group ID can see content without reply and edit posts
Users by ID. who can edit posts where plugins are active and can view contents without reply a thread (By def Admins) Ex:

I didnt leave any forum for not to be moderated(0).

Now, if i made a thread, then i can edit my post but if i want to edit somebody else's post, then i cant do so. Note, i am the only admin of the forum. So, i must have the power to edit anyone's post, but with this plugin, i cant edit anyone's post except mine.

I also want that other registered users can edit their post but they cannot view other's hidden content. Is it possible with this plugin ?


RE: cannot edit others post - Whiteneo - 2014-01-27

Yes, as i say if you are the owner of that thread or post you can edit without problems, but you can not edit nobodys posts only if you add the permision on plugin admin cp you can do that, if you dont want forums to be apply this hidden contents you can d that and have to work MyBB as he has to.

But you have to add usergroups to put permission to edit on parts where this plugin apply that because sometimes many users want to do that and reported to me as a bug, so i work on it and fix it, but i put an option to can manage this permissions by usergroups, so, you can add a new usergroup for new users and give the right permission on admin CP, then you have to add this new id to the plugin, sepparated by comma, and have to works without problems. So if you want some users can edit too, you have to asign the new usergroup to that user and now he can edit posts from other users if you asign to do this on group permissions xD.

I have this mod on my site and works fine, many issues i found i fixed it, if this version i share wont works you can use the latest release on github, i upload the new plugin working on my site there.

Well about your question yes this plugins works like that if you are the owner can edit and do more things on your posts, but on others can't do anything, only if you have right permission to do that, you can do, if wont, by default you can not do nothing and this apply to all areas, print thread, archive, syndication, postbit and portal, i have to works more but finally works as he have to do xD.


RE: cannot edit others post - Reallifeplusdotorg - 2014-04-07

(2014-01-27, 07:55 PM)Dark Neo Wrote: Yes, as i say if you are the owner of that thread or post you can edit without problems, but you can not edit nobodys posts only if you add the permision on plugin admin cp you can do that, if you dont want forums to be apply this hidden contents you can d that and have to work MyBB as he has to.

But you have to add usergroups to put permission to edit on parts where this plugin apply that because sometimes many users want to do that and reported to me as a bug, so i work on it and fix it, but i put an option to can manage this permissions by usergroups, so, you can add a new usergroup for new users and give the right permission on admin CP, then you have to add this new id to the plugin, sepparated by comma, and have to works without problems. So if you want some users can edit too, you have to asign the new usergroup to that user and now he can edit posts from other users if you asign to do this on group permissions xD.

I have this mod on my site and works fine, many issues i found i fixed it, if this version i share wont works you can use the latest release on github, i upload the new plugin working on my site there.

Well about your question yes this plugins works like that if you are the owner can edit and do more things on your posts, but on others can't do anything, only if you have right permission to do that, you can do, if wont, by default you can not do nothing and this apply to all areas, print thread, archive, syndication, postbit and portal, i have to works more but finally works as he have to do xD.


I also have the same problem. member unable to edit their own post. Even their own replies
Please someone solve this problem