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User(s) browsing this thread BUG! - Printable Version

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+------ Thread: User(s) browsing this thread BUG! (/thread-150353.html)

User(s) browsing this thread BUG! - marcus123 - 2014-01-25

What is wrong? User(s) browsing this thread not showing the user but Status: Online (Replying to Thread ) saying the users is replying to that thread what is going on??????

RE: User(s) browsing this thread BUG! - maniacmusic - 2014-01-25

You installed any plugins or made core edits that could potentially mess with the function?

RE: User(s) browsing this thread BUG! - marcus123 - 2014-01-25

Nope I don't use any heavy plugins that can do that!

RE: User(s) browsing this thread BUG! - Destroy666 - 2014-01-25

If a user is replying to a topic, he isn't browsing it - that would be the simpliest explantation for it. I thought it's a bug too, but the more I see it, the less it is disturbing me.