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[How To?] Customize a groups threadlink? - Printable Version

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Customize a groups threadlink? - PinkStar - 2014-01-27

I was wondering if there was a way to customize one groups threads and how they look in the threadlist?
For example: Registered members threads will be as-is with just a single textline and icon.
Prefered members would have their avatar show plus Title + desc and a different bg colour. Or something like that - but something to make their threads stand out.
(Creating a separet subcategory for prefered members won't work)

Is there a plugin for this or maybe someone who's done it and have posted a tutorial how to edit the forum?

Thank you very much

RE: Customize a groups layout? - marcus123 - 2014-01-27

Have you tried Xthreads plugin????

RE: Customize a groups layout? - PinkStar - 2014-01-27

No, never heard of it so I've been trying to search mods, board, the zingaburga board - I cannot find were to download it... odd.

Thanks Marcus123

RE: Customize a groups layout? - effone - 2014-01-27

Why need a plugin? Tried this guide?

RE: Customize a groups layout? - PinkStar - 2014-01-27

Thank you effone - but if I'm not misstaken that's for changing the postbit - the actual post, correct? What I'm looking for is to change the threadlist so that prefered members postlink in the threadlist will stand out and get more clicks. Preferbly a different bg and avatar.
Do you have a tutorial for that?

Thank you Smile

RE: Customize a groups layout? - effone - 2014-01-27

If you get the gist of the tutorial you can apply it anywhere using the same CSS trick.

RE: Customize a groups layout? - PinkStar - 2014-01-27

Unfortunally no, I'm not advanced enough to figure it out.

Thanks, PinkStar