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[Mail] Some email addresses stopped getting thread update notifications - Printable Version

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Some email addresses stopped getting thread update notifications - vbmark - 2014-01-27

I, and one of my forum members, stopped getting update notifications to subscribed threads. It stopped a few weeks ago.

I know php mail is working because people are getting their signup emails.

However, when I ran the email test script:

<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); $to = '[email protected]'; if(mail($to, 'Testing mail', 'This is a mailing test to see if PHP mail works.')) { echo 'Mail was sent by PHP'; } else { echo 'PHP could not send the mail'; } ?>

I got the message 'Mail was sent by PHP'. However, I did not get the email.

So I changed the script to send the email to an old Gmail address and then I got the email.

So, with the email address that isn't getting the email I checked the spam/junk folder and it's empty. I checked for any blocking I may have accidentally turned on and there is none.

I know this is probably not a mybb issue but I am stumped and could use some additional troubleshooting ideas. Right now it seems it started happening to two of us but there could be others.

UPDATE: I just noticed that am subscribed to a forum that no longer exists. However, the removed forum still exists in my "Forum Subscriptions" list and when I click Unsubscribe I get a message "Invalid forum". Don't know if that makes a difference or not.
