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[How To?] Set privacy of certain fields in profile data? (do it by the user) - Printable Version

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Set privacy of certain fields in profile data? (do it by the user) - cafeína - 2014-01-29

Hello again guys, I have a question that I hope someone can respond me.

I know that in control panel for each additional custom profile data you can set hide or not except for administrators.
What I want to do is for a specific additional field, that the user have the option to do a field public, like in other forums.
For example, a validation box in which user can set his telephone number to public (in order to show it to other users)


RE: Set privacy of certain fields in profile data? (do it by the user) - marcus123 - 2014-01-30

Check all plugins available here:

RE: Set privacy of certain fields in profile data? (do it by the user) - cafeína - 2014-01-30

Yeah man, that link I checked before posting. Thanks anyway of course!

Somebody have any idea of implementation?