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How can Joe User join a group? - Printable Version

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How can Joe User join a group? - stevengraff - 2014-01-29

Joe User happens to be a reseller... how can he request to be added to the Reseller's group?

(btw, I tried installing, but that is so old, myBB tells me: "This plugin is incompatible with MyBB 1.6.12")

RE: How can Joe User join a group? - .m. - 2014-01-29

see Groups - Publicly Joinable Options and Group Memberships

RE: How can Joe User join a group? - stevengraff - 2014-01-29

Thanks, but, I can't get your links to go anywhere!

Here's what I've got so far...

But the Reseller's forum doesn't show up for Joe to choose.

OK; I've got it now so that a user can ask to join the group, but... the moderation queue remains empty. What's the trick!?