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Virus? - Printable Version

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Virus? - MuhammedSuleiman - 2014-08-19

Well , a member said that there is a virus i nmy forums with the program of virus checker , while its good for everyone i dont know why

SS Given from the member:
[Image: YQbeSVQ.png]

RE: Virus? - mmadhankumar - 2014-08-19

it might be a false positive... ask him to submit a report to avast virus lab, so that they can check it and whitelist it... you can check a website for malicious codes in that's really a useful tool with 50+ AV services... it says your site is clean Big Grin

RE: Virus? - VoIP - 2014-08-20

It's a false positive. The virus could just because of an add or something you have running third party.

Forumotion had that problem last year. There ads had a blacklisted site that harbored malware and web checks like avg and stuff detected it as bad.