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Announcement cut off open in new window - Printable Version

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Announcement cut off open in new window - BaggerHD - 2014-09-25


What do I have to change so when users press "Read More" the thread will open in same window, and not a new window?

Here is the code from the plugin, and the maker have not been online here for some years, so I hope someone else will help me out.


	die("Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.<br /><br />Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined.");
$plugins->add_hook("portal_announcement", "portalannc");

function portalannc_info()
	return array(
		"name"			=> "Portal Announcement Cut Off.",
		"description"	=> "It sets a minimum of characters for portal announcements.",
		"website"		=> "",
		"version"		=> "1.0",
		"author"		=> "bubulang",
		"authorsite"	=> "",
		"compatibility"  => "18*",
		'guid'        => 'a18f4b6eed189c9ffd4e4708708c15dc'

function portalannc_activate()
	global $db;
	$query = $db->simple_select("settinggroups", "gid", "name='portal'");
	$gid = $db->fetch_field($query, "gid");
	$setting = array(
		'name' => 'patcutoff',
		'title' => 'Portal Announcement Cut Off',
		'description' => 'Set a minimum of characters for portal announcements?',
		'optionscode' => 'yesno',
		'value' => 'yes',
		'disporder' => '20',
		'gid' => intval($gid)
	$characters = array(
		'name' => 'characters',
		'title' => 'Characters',
		'description' => 'Number of characters before the announcement is cut off',
		'optionscode' => 'text',
		'value' => '',
		'disporder' => '21',
		'gid' => intval($gid)
	$cutoffmessage = array(
		'name' => 'cutoffmessage',
		'title' => 'Announcement Cut Off Message',
		'description' => 'Message to be displayed when announcemet is cut off',
		'optionscode' => 'text',
		'value' => '..... More',
		'disporder' => '22',
		'gid' => intval($gid)


function portalannc_deactivate()
	global $db;

$db->query("DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings WHERE name='patcutoff'");
$db->query("DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings WHERE name='characters'");
$db->query("DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings WHERE name='cutoffmessage'");
function portalannc()	
global $mybb, $announcement;

if($mybb->settings['patcutoff'] == 1 AND $mybb->settings['characters'] < my_strlen($announcement['message'])){
$announcement['message'] = my_substr($announcement['message'], 0, $mybb->settings['characters']);
$announcement['message'] .= "[url=".$mybb->settings['bburl']."/".$announcement['threadlink']."]".$mybb->settings['cutoffmessage']."[/url]";
