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InfernoShoutbox not working. - Printable Version

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InfernoShoutbox not working. - Nemmy - 2014-10-02

I know you must get this all the time, but I just got my forums up and running, and the shoutbox isn't working. Will I provide a link to my page so you can see what's happening? I don't know if that's classed as advertising/allowed. Basically, it just shows loading... all the time.

Can anyone help? If needed, I can provide a link to the forums aswell.
Thanks in advance.
Nemmy Smile

RE: InfernoShoutbox not working. - .m. - 2014-10-02

if you have installed MyBB 1.8 then inferno shoutbox is not officially available for it.
modified version by Clank is working for many users (Link)

RE: InfernoShoutbox not working. - Nemmy - 2014-10-02

Pretty sure I'm using MyBB 1.6, not 1.8.
I only know this because when I installed that, it said it's not compatible with MyBB 1.6

RE: InfernoShoutbox not working. - .m. - 2014-10-03

forum url & test user account required so that someone can check the issue

RE: InfernoShoutbox not working. - Nemmy - 2014-10-03

Here's my forum url:
I need to make another test user account?