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Firefox Browser - Printable Version

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Firefox Browser - 123kid - 2007-03-05

We're starting to build a community using MyBB, it seems that its has a good interface Smile thnx for this module!!!

have you guyz ever encounter this? check out screens from IE and from firefox gfx are missin Sad any clue on what went wrong here!!! tia again!!!

FireFox Screenshot

[Image: th_17279_firefox_screenshot_122_150lo.jpg]

Internet Explorer Screenshot

[Image: th_17286_ie_screenshot_122_139lo.jpg]

any help is highly appreciated!!! thnx again Smile

RE: Firefox Browser - Ryan Gordon - 2007-03-05

I think Your Board Url isn't set correctly. Go into your ACP, and change the board url under General Settings to the correct one.


RE: Firefox Browser - 123kid - 2007-03-05

sir that was quick...

to be xact heres what i did

>board settings>change>general configuration> and set the url http://domainname/mybb/index.php cleared cache but nothing hapened on firefox browser mybb apearnce still the same on the posted screens above Sad

anymore hint sir!!! thank again Smile

RE: Firefox Browser - Ryan Gordon - 2007-03-05

Yeh, next time read the description. It should be: http://domainname/mybb

RE: Firefox Browser - 123kid - 2007-03-05

thats what was set b4 http://domainname/mybb/ then i rename it with index.php still nothin happened Sad

weird Sad couldnt get the cure for this please help again TIA!!! Sad

RE: Firefox Browser - Ryan Gordon - 2007-03-05

No No No. I said http://domainname/mybb (without the slash at the end)

RE: Firefox Browser - 123kid - 2007-03-05

hmmm did it still nothin happened Sad


cleared browser, closed, reopened do a ctrl+f5 (hard refresh) still nothin happened Sad but looks fine with IE weird!!!

if im too dumb for this am very sorry but couldnt see any logic on this error!!! simple and yet a very pissing one Sad

>Works Fine with IE and Opera but not workin on firefox Sad (but why your forums works well on my firefox browser both on mybb module )


RE: Firefox Browser - MrD. - 2007-03-05

You did replace domainname with the domain for your website, yes?

RE: Firefox Browser - 123kid - 2007-03-05

MrDoom Wrote:You did replace domainname with the domain for your website, yes?

yep ofcourse Toungue

RE: Firefox Browser - Ryan Gordon - 2007-03-05

Try reuploading your css.php file. I have a feeling it might be corrupt (or have a space in front of it). If that doesn't work please provide us with a link to your site.