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Trouble with Concrete5 Integration - AHGoodwin - 2015-05-13

I have given up on login integration, but I still need to be able to show recent forum posts, and the DVZ Shoutbox on my website. I am using the method of....

$rel = "forum/"; // The directory to your forum--relative to this file's location; include ending slash

I am getting this error however,

Fatal error: Call to a member function simple_select() on a non-object in /homepages/20/d574760247/htdocs/BLST_Website/concrete5.6.3.3/forums/inc/class_datacache.php on line 117

I have seen a couple instance where people had this error, but no answers on what needed to be done to fix it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

RE: Trouble with Concrete5 Integration - AHGoodwin - 2015-05-16

100 views and nobody has any ideas? Sad

RE: Trouble with Concrete5 Integration - Euan T - 2015-05-16

Weird, looks like the database variable isn't initialised. Is the code you posted above the full code?

RE: Trouble with Concrete5 Integration - AHGoodwin - 2015-05-16

yeah. That is just the code thats supposed to make you able to put features from the forum on your other pages. I made sure to remove all the other stuff (like code calling for the shoutbox or recent posts) out and only have this so that I could troubleshoot and make sure i knew where the problem was, but even just this is giving the error.  The only thing ive ever seen in reply to this error said it was because of $db being used in both the forum and cms and to fix it to use the mybbintegrator from php dave to fix it, but i tried using that and i still get this same error.

I feel like this is probably something simple to fix but I just dont have the experience. As I said i am using concrete5 cms so I dont know if maybe that is screwing it up somehow???

RE: Trouble with Concrete5 Integration - Euan T - 2015-05-16

I'm not sure, as I haven't used concrete5 before. The issue may well be caused by variable naming or another issue. Could you try editing the above code to the following:


defined('IN_MYBB') or define('IN_MYBB', 1);


Then you should see a load of debug information about the database object. If you paste that output, we can see if there's anything out of the ordinary.

RE: Trouble with Concrete5 Integration - AHGoodwin - 2015-05-16

(2015-05-16, 09:32 PM)Euan T Wrote: I'm not sure, as I haven't used concrete5 before. The issue may well be caused by variable naming or another issue. Could you try editing the above code to the following:


defined('IN_MYBB') or define('IN_MYBB', 1);


Then you should see a load of debug information about the database object. If you paste that output, we can see if there's anything out of the ordinary.

just adding the "var_dump($db);" did not change the error message. Removing the ",1" from the "define('IN_MYBB', 1)" changed the error to...

Warning: define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in /homepages/20/d574760247/htdocs/BLST_Website/concrete5.6.3.3/themes/BLSTC5/default.php on line 2
Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.

Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined.

RE: Trouble with Concrete5 Integration - Euan T - 2015-05-17

Yes, that's because the define() method requires the second parameter.

What was the output of the var_dump? What was the object type?

RE: Trouble with Concrete5 Integration - AHGoodwin - 2015-05-17

where was I supposed to be looking for the output...??? I'm sorry, but I have very little experience with php .

RE: Trouble with Concrete5 Integration - Euan T - 2015-05-17

It should be at the top of any page using the file you're editing (and the same page as the error is occurring). If you send me your URL, I can take a look and see the output for myself.

RE: Trouble with Concrete5 Integration - AHGoodwin - 2015-05-17

the error is the only thing that shows on the page...

and even when you "view source" it only shows the error.. ???? I don't get that.

but here is the source for the index... and below the line in the "class_datacache.php" page it is refering to.

define("IN_MYBB", 1); 
require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/concrete5.6.3.3/forums/global.php");

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Quote: else

// Database cache
$query = $db->simple_select("datacache", "title,cache");
while($data = $db->fetch_array($query))
$this->cache[$data['title']] = unserialize($data['cache']);