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Error when moving threads after upgrade to 1.2.7 (Moderation.php) - Printable Version

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Error when moving threads after upgrade to 1.2.7 (Moderation.php) - GFN - 2007-05-21

Error when moving threads after upgrade to 1.2.7 (Moderation.php)

Hi, I am getting the following error on 3 forums when moving threads, any ideas Smile

Quote:MySQL error: 1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(mybb_favorites s, mybb_users u) WHERE s.type='s' AND s.tid IN
Query: DELETE FROM (mybb_favorites s, mybb_users u) WHERE s.type='s' AND s.tid IN (168) AND s.uid=u.uid AND (u.usergroup IN (1,2,5,6) OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',1,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',2,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',5,' OR CONCAT(',',u.additionalgroups,',') LIKE ',6,')

RE: Error when moving threads after upgrade to 1.2.7 (Moderation.php) - Ryan Gordon - 2007-05-21

Only posted like 4 times... try a search

RE: Error when moving threads after upgrade to 1.2.7 (Moderation.php) - destroyer - 2007-05-21

Download a fresh copy of inc/class_moderation.php if you can't find the answer.

RE: Error when moving threads after upgrade to 1.2.7 (Moderation.php) - GFN - 2007-05-21

Quote:Download a fresh copy of inc/class_moderation.php if you can't find the answer.

Hi destroyer, thanks for the suggestion, I just tried that but it didn't work. I am just reading the other threads about this and there are many options - what worked for you?

RE: Error when moving threads after upgrade to 1.2.7 (Moderation.php) - destroyer - 2007-05-21

Do you have mysql version 3 or so? Then CraKter's latest suggestion will work for you.

RE: Error when moving threads after upgrade to 1.2.7 (Moderation.php) - GFN - 2007-05-21

MySQL version 4

OK thanks you have been a great help, I will try CraKter's fix

RE: Error when moving threads after upgrade to 1.2.7 (Moderation.php) - destroyer - 2007-05-21

MySQL 4 should work with a fresh copy of inc/class_moderation.php ... let us now how it went!

Maybe this is another problem.

RE: Error when moving threads after upgrade to 1.2.7 (Moderation.php) - GFN - 2007-05-21

Unfortunately it didn't work with the fresh version of inc/class_moderation.php => any other suggestions destroyer?

The strange thing is that some of my forums don't have this problem but some do

RE: Error when moving threads after upgrade to 1.2.7 (Moderation.php) - destroyer - 2007-05-21

Did you try the fix?

RE: Error when moving threads after upgrade to 1.2.7 (Moderation.php) - Ryan Gordon - 2007-05-21

Don't try the fix.

Your not overwriting your inc/class_moderation.php properly - Delete it and reupload it. Make SURE you have it downloaded from the site and MAKE SURE you are putting it in the correct folder