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[For 1.8] Go to the first post in the thread (showthread) - Printable Version

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Go to the first post in the thread (showthread) - Eldenroot - 2019-03-03

You can add a link in showthread in the left bottom of page (or where you wanna to follow your forum design) to redirect you to the first post in the thread.

1) Open showthread template and add these piece of code (below {$addpoll}):
<li class="first_post"><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/thread-{$tid}-post-{$thread['firstpost']}.html#pid{$thread['firstpost']}">Go to the first post</a></li>

2) Add this to your global.css:
/* Showthread - go to the first post in the thread */
ul.thread_tools li.first_post {
 background: url(images/first_post.png) no-repeat 0px 0px;

3) Copy the image from the attachment below to your image folder Smile

Here is the result (srry, it is in my Czech language)