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"Welcome back" but German Lanuage Pack - Printable Version

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"Welcome back" but German Lanuage Pack - nxtVentix - 2019-03-06

[Image: d2180e30e1a9b0e792d4906b22de31b9a9834d9-06-03-2019.png]

[Image: 8561bc00c5e5b77ca1360c76ccdc6766136b56a-06-03-2019.png]

[Image: ae14062c21ba8744176a470067895d6159b267d-06-03-2019.png]

For test-reasons i changed a part of the englisch language but NO CHANGES

[Image: 748a701434a9423a18edad543d8b41722468b4c-06-03-2019.png]

RE: "Welcome back" but German Lanuage Pack - doylecc - 2019-03-06

Have you already checked the "header_welcomeblock_member" template of your theme?
Maybe the "Welcome back" is hardcoded in there.

RE: "Welcome back" but German Lanuage Pack - nxtVentix - 2019-03-06

Thank you,

[Image: b813a2cbb03899a929b86d3b574714a41760d83-06-03-2019.png]

It was the header_welcomebock_member in the template.
its hardcoded.

great regards