OUGC Anonymous Posting - Omar G. - 2021-08-13
OUGC Anonymous Posting
Allow users to publish threads anonymously masked as guests.
Minimum Requirements- MyBB 1.8.27
- PHP 7.0.33
- PluginLibrary 13
Payment Method
Only PayPal and BTC (cryptocurrency) payments are accepted.
Contact Method
License Summary
Please read the OUGC.Network EULA for a full license. A short summary is added below.
This program is protected software: you can make use of it under
the terms of the OUGC Network EULA as detailed by the included
"EULA.TXT" file.
This program is distributed with the expectation that it will be
useful, but WITH LIMITED WARRANTY; with a limited warranty of
OUGC Network EULA included in the "EULA.TXT" file for more details.
You should have received a copy of the OUGC Network EULA along with
the package which includes this file. If not, see
Features- Allow users to post anonymous only threads or any post.
- Select which groups are allowed to use this feature.
- Moderate specific groups, so all anonymous threads or replies require moderation before being visible.
- Customize your new thread and new reply pages to enhance the user experience.
- Selected moderators can check the original author of anonymous threads.
- Select a custom username for all anonymous posts.
Included in Pack- One plugin copy.
- English language pack.
- Installation or setup is not included. Plugin should work out of the box in a fresh installation according to the requirements stated above.
Check the official page for more information.
* OUGC.Network now accepts both PayPal and CoinPayments as payment methods using the online automatic store.