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Radio Button Not Showing on Mobile Polls - Printable Version

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Radio Button Not Showing on Mobile Polls - CookieMonster217 - 2022-01-04

When I post a poll, and I am on a desktop, the options appear with a radio button in front of each option, and users can vote.  However, when I access that poll on mobile, the radio buttons disappear and no one can vote.  If they press the vote botton, it gives them an error because they did not make a selection given there is no radio button to select.  Is this a theme issue or a MyBB issue?  I am using Roundo theme and the most current MyBB version, 1.8.29.  Please help.  Thanks.

I am going to try to post a poll here to see if this issue occurs on this theme.

Update:  It seems to work in this theme, so it must be a roundo responsive issue.  Can someone really smart in MyBB tell me which file to look in so I can try to track this down?  I am looking in showthread_poll_option.  If anyone knows how to help, I would appreciate it.  If not, I will message the theme designer, as well, and hope for a response.

RE: Radio Button Not Showing on Mobile Polls - Matt - 2022-01-04

showthread_poll_option is the correct template for the radio button, we'd need a URL and a test account to be able to suggest anything else.

RE: Radio Button Not Showing on Mobile Polls - CookieMonster217 - 2022-01-05

Thanks. I will see if the designer of the roundo template replies to me. If not, I may need your help, but I'll ask him first.

The code is just having a mobile friendly issue, because I see the options start to overlap the radio buttons as the screen size gets smaller. I put a "band-aid" on it right now so I can get both to show on mobile, but I know I didn't do it properly. This is the original code on the roundo theme for that template:

<td class="trow1" style="text-align: center;"><input type="radio" class="radio" name="option" id="option_{$number}" value="{$number}" /></td>
	<td class="trow2 scaleimages"><div class="poll_option">{$option}</div></td>