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Usergroups as Moderators for MyBB 1.29 - Printable Version

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Usergroups as Moderators for MyBB 1.29 - stamp_mybb1.2_import10554 - 2007-08-25

There is a mod to add an entire usergroup as forum moderators
Can somebody make such plugin for 1.29 ?

RE: Usergroups as Moderators for MyBB 1.29 - tristan/SMM - 2007-08-31


This would REALLY come in handy. Anyone know if its in 1.4?

RE: Usergroups as Moderators for MyBB 1.29 - destroyer - 2007-08-31

You know we can't reveal anything which isn't on the MyBB wiki. Toungue

RE: Usergroups as Moderators for MyBB 1.29 - Jag100 - 2007-08-31

WINK Wink WINK Wink. lol

RE: Usergroups as Moderators for MyBB 1.29 - flick - 2007-09-01

destroyer Wrote:You know we can't reveal anything which isn't on the MyBB wiki. Toungue

How tantalising! Big Grin