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[How To?] How to Edit 1-7 Text Sizes for New Theme & Changing Box Names/Colors of Text in them? - Printable Version

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How to Edit 1-7 Text Sizes for New Theme & Changing Box Names/Colors of Text in them? - phorumws - 2022-12-05

I've just installed a new theme, and some users are putting a huge number for the 'Title' (name of download wihich is usually first words on a new thread). There is the option of putting 1-7 Font Sizes, 1) Was wondering where the actual sizes are located in the theme/template files?
2) When editing a users 'title' line in the thread, I noticed the font size was =150 (in myBB sizing) ->> Where are these sizes located in themes/templates please? (I was to edit so if size goes over eg. 100 in myBB sizing, the actual font-size does not increase (maybe there is a way to edit the font-size so if goes as big as this users is =14 if was on the size chart of 1-7 when selecting text size using the 'Tt' button, there is a way to make for instance anything over 100, will be 15px, so 110 is 15px, 150 is px etc... is there a way?)

On a side note, but as important, where are the 'Code:' & 'Quote:' wording for boxes located, I need to change 'Code:' to 'Links:' (better yet create a whole new option called 'Links:' would be ideal, as would like to keep 'Code:' for actual Code, and Links need to be in a box, so unclickable... b) Where are the text colours located for Boxes (Usernames show up as White (#ffffff) Links when using the 'Thankyou' plugin & the blue on the theme is too light against the white background, need to make text inside Code, Quote (and hiopefully New Links) Boxes DARKER BLUE!

thanks so much for your help, moved from phpBB, so still getting familiar with myBB theme/template layouts & adminCP in general...


RE: How to Edit 1-7 Text Sizes for New Theme & Changing Box Names/Colors of Text in them? - HLFadmin - 2022-12-05

I submitted a bug report about formatted sizing, particularly with copy/pasted material. I'm not sure if it has been evaluated or not.

Which originated in this thread which started with two problems, the second of which is the formatted size problem. Read them through and you'll understand how the size=1 through whatever is handled in MyBB. Limits are set in core code.