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Auto Usergroup Change...!! - Printable Version

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Auto Usergroup Change...!! - cuulvaibhav - 2007-09-29

Is there any funtion or plugin which automatically direct the user to some specific user group like Moderator, etc. when a user makes the 1000 or said no. of posts given by the Admin..!!

Awating for reply..!!

RE: Auto Usergroup Change...!! - LeX- - 2007-09-29

Instead of making threads, use the search ;

RE: Auto Usergroup Change...!! - cuulvaibhav - 2007-09-30

Thanks LeX-,

I found that plugin..!!

It will help me a lot..!!

RE: Auto Usergroup Change...!! - goughy000 - 2007-09-30

lol thats one of mine, good luck with it!

RE: Auto Usergroup Change...!! - dansgalaxy - 2007-09-30

Good plugin i have just installed it, not using it tho :p i will wait until the forums has built up until i worry Smile