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Major Faulty [Reward for help included] - Printable Version

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Major Faulty [Reward for help included] - Violation - 2008-01-21

Dear Helpful Support people,

I have had a famous and good website at for some time. Eventually it came the time where I had to upgrade to the newest version. I handed the task to one of my site administrator's and he accidentally misread the instructions and messed up the forum without having made a backup of the server files. I then had to restart, by reinstalling MYBB and applying the new files to the backed up DB of the older and working forum. Doing that, I recovered all members, posts and settings, however a few major errors.
  • Theme Change Error - If I go the the UserCP and change my theme I get an error saying: "Authorisation code mismatch. Are you accessing this function correctly? Please go back and try again.". I also get this everywhere with every theme
  • Log out Function Bugged - Whenever I try to log out using the "log out button" I get the following error: "Your user ID could not be verified to log you out. This may have been because a malicious Javascript was attempting to log you out automatically. If you intended to logout, please click the Logout button at the top menu. "

Until now these are the errors I have explored and noticed. I'm not sure but there might be some more so I will post them as they show up.

Because I don't believe in helping without rewarding (ie.leeching) I am willing to give $10 via paypal for the person who solves my problem.

If anyone needs any screenshots to make the supporting easier, feel free to ask for it. We are desperate. =)

~Kindest Regads

RE: Major Faulty [Reward for help included] - ct2k7 - 2008-01-21

Ok, did you download the latest 1.2.12 pack?

RE: Major Faulty [Reward for help included] - Violation - 2008-01-21

Yes, re-installed it too.

Used new raw default files and then what I did was delete the tabels created by the new Mybb installation and import the ones from the back up.

RE: Major Faulty [Reward for help included] - ct2k7 - 2008-01-21

Was the installation before upgraded to 1.2.12? Have you tried to upgrade via /install/upgrade.php?

RE: Major Faulty [Reward for help included] - Violation - 2008-01-21


Suddenly out of nowhere, I swear I didn't do anything I get this XD:

I'm going to reinstall the freaking forum and re-import the DB!


RE: Major Faulty [Reward for help included] - ct2k7 - 2008-01-22

Did you add a .htaccess file/change any server settings? I was recieving a HTTP 500 Internal Server Error before.

RE: Major Faulty [Reward for help included] - Violation - 2008-01-22

Nope I don't think so!

Edit: BTW, I'm re-installing so I'll post more news in a sec!

RE: Major Faulty [Reward for help included] - ct2k7 - 2008-01-22

Ok, ty NP. Remeber to Upgrade if you already have the database there.

RE: Major Faulty [Reward for help included] - DrPoodle - 2008-01-22

Can't you just chmod the root directory and index.php to 755?

RE: Major Faulty [Reward for help included] - ct2k7 - 2008-01-22

*Sigh* Softlayer Technologies. Can you even change the permissions?