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[F] forum emails reply-to admin not email sender - Printable Version

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[F] forum emails reply-to admin not email sender - josh0322 - 2008-09-17

for some reason, when my members email each other, the reply-to is my email address and not the original sender of the email.
for example, user1 emails user2 when user2 sends his reply, the message is sent to me instead of back to user1.
how can i change this?

RE: forum emails reply-to admin not email sender - Matt - 2008-09-17

Check your email settings in the ACP.
Do a search in the settings for 'mail' and check all the relevant settings.

RE: forum emails reply-to admin not email sender - josh0322 - 2008-09-17

ACP Wrote:Return Email
The email address for incoming replies to outgoing emails sent via the forums and is useful for no-reply accounts. Leave blank to use the admin email address instead.
right now it's blank. does this mean i should create a no-reply address? what if i just want it to reply to user1 and no one else?

RE: forum emails reply-to admin not email sender - Matt - 2008-09-17

Try that... I'm not totally sure how the email system works though... maybe it needs the email variable?? {user_email} or something along those lines.

RE: forum emails reply-to admin not email sender - josh0322 - 2008-09-17

maybe someone can shed some light on this... my inbox is filling up! im hesitant to just throw a variable in there... shouldn't the default be to reply to the user who sent the email...not the admin?

RE: forum emails reply-to admin not email sender - Matt - 2008-09-17

Try the variable... well, first make sure that is the actual variable.

RE: forum emails reply-to admin not email sender - josh0322 - 2008-09-20

judging from the description on the mybb wiki, this should not be a variable...
has no one else really experienced this? im a little confused.

RE: forum emails reply-to admin not email sender - Dennis Tsang - 2008-09-21

I would consider this a bug.

A temporary workaround:
In inc/class_mailhandler.php, find and remove:
                        $this->headers .= "Return-Path: {$mybb->settings['returnemail']}{$this->delimiter}";
                        $this->headers .= "Reply-To: {$mybb->settings['adminemail']}{$this->delimiter}";
                        $this->headers .= "Return-Path: {$mybb->settings['adminemail']}{$this->delimiter}";
                        $this->headers .= "Reply-To: {$mybb->settings['adminemail']}{$this->delimiter}";

This will remove all reply-to headers, but since you weren't using it anyway it should be fine. Most mail clients will use the "From" header as the reply-to if it's not set...

RE: forum emails reply-to admin not email sender - josh0322 - 2008-09-21

thanks dennis. im surprised no one else has had issues with this...
by the way, that temp fix seems to work fine for me but im using thunderbird. i'm sure it will work fine for most major email clients and hopefully webmail folks too

RE: forum emails reply-to admin not email sender - josh0322 - 2008-10-06

any update on this? im learning php & mysql. is there some way in which i could be helpful in finding the solution?