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[F] Disallowed username ajax verification error [R] [C-Michael83] - Printable Version

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[F] Disallowed username ajax verification error [R] [C-Michael83] - zeroty - 2008-11-04

Mybb 1.4.3

Disallowed username setup: abc*def

using the wildcard, it disallow all the username abd [anything] def

BUT NOT abc&def

When abc&def is typed in the username field, the ajax verification shows "abc is available", ignoring the remaining.

However, the username cannot be registered and will give a error message after clicking the submit submit button. So, the bug is only for the ajax username verification.

[F] Disallowed username ajax verification error [R] - Ryan Gordon - 2008-11-16

Thank you for your bug report.

This bug has been fixed in our internal code repository. Please note that the problem will not be fixed here until these forums are updated.

With regards,
MyBB Group