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The users table do not export completely - Printable Version

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The users table do not export completely - Bonyanalam - 2009-03-05

I want to change my server. when I export the databese using cpanel all tables do not export. and when I export the databese using phpmyadmin, all tables would export and import but the users table do not export completely. there are 5000 users but just users with ID 1 to 700 plus the last ID 5000 would export/import and other users information (between 700 to 4999) does not import/export!

I can export/import the users table itself and it is ok, but it's not ok when I export the database.

RE: The users table do not export completely - Matt - 2009-03-05

Why not use the MyBB backup creator...??

RE: The users table do not export completely - Bonyanalam - 2009-03-06

I used MyBB backup creator too. When I tested thet on my local host it reveals an error about inserted query and can't import it correctly.
The only thing I could do at the end was to export the users table and then merge it with other tables in my database. It seems that everything works correctly but, I can't be sure that everything is realy OK.