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Replace raw url text to title - Printable Version

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Replace raw url text to title - sushruth - 2009-06-21

Hello guys..

I finally decided to make this as code edits and NOT a plugin.. keeping in mindeverything that conflicts the plugin...

See Below :

Edits :
  • Find the lines below in inc/class_parser.php

    options = array(

    Now, Add the code below after the found lines

    function urltitlefind($link, $text='')
    		// Ensure $link is a valid URL        
    		$url = $link;
    		$fp = @fopen($url, 'r');
    		if (!$fp) {
    			$title = (!$text ? $link : $text);
    			return "(Broken Link)";
    		// Grab <title>*</title> from the first "chunk" of data
    		$title = url_grab_title($fp);
    		// No <title> tag in first chunk...    
    		if (!$title) {
    			$title = (!$text ? $link : $text);
    			return "<a href='$url'>::Link (no title found)::</a>";
    		// User gave me some text to append to the link title
    		if ($text) {    
    			$title .= ': '. $text;
    		return $title;
    function url_grab_title($fp)
    		// How many bytes to grab in one chunk.
    		// Most sites seem to have <title> within 512
    		$chunk_size = 512;
    		$chunk = fread($fp, $chunk_size);
    		$chunk = preg_replace("/(\n|\r)/", '', $chunk);
    		// Look for <title>(.*?)</title> in the text
    		if (preg_match('/<title>(.*?)<\/title>/i', $chunk, $matches)) {
    			return $matches[1];
    		return null;

  • Now, Find the code below in the same file

    $name = $url;

    Replace this with the code below :

    $name = urltitlefind($url);

  • For Link Checking

    Files on the following websites will be checked :
    • Find the code below in the Same file

      $fullurl = strtr($fullurl, array('$' => '%24', '^' => '%5E', '`' => '%60', '[' => '%5B', ']' => '%5D', '{' => '%7B', '}' => '%7D', '"' => '%22', '<' => '%3C', '>' => '%3E', ' ' => '%20'));

      Add the code below after the found code

      		$var = file_get_contents($fullurl);
      		$checked = $checked + 1;
      		if(strpos($var,"FILE DOWNLOAD")){
      		$status =  " <font color=\"green\">(file found!)<br></font>";
      		$working = $working + 1;
      		if(strpos($var,"The file could not be found")){
      		$status =  " <font color=\"red\">(file not found!)<br></font>";  
      		if(strpos($var," deleted.")){
      		$status =  "  <font color=\"red\">(file deleted!)<br></font>";
      	} elseif (strstr($fullurl,"")){
      		$var1 = file_get_contents($fullurl);
      		$checked = $checked +1;
      		if(strpos($var1,"Please enter")){
      			$status =  " <font color =\"green\">(file found!)<br></font>";
      			$working = $working + 1;
      		if(strpos($var1,"Unfortunately, the link you have clicked is not available.")){
      			$status =  " <font color =\"red\">(file not found!)<br></font>";	
      	} elseif (strstr($fullurl,"")){
      		$var2 = file_get_contents($fullurl);
      		$checked = $checked +1;
      			$status =  " <font color =\"green\">(file found!)<br></font>";
      			$working = $working + 1;
      		if(strpos($var2,"Welcome to Megashares")){
      			$status =  " <font color =\"red\">(file not found!)<br></font>";	
      		if(strpos($var2,"have the correct URL")){
      			$status =  " <font color =\"red\">(file not found!)<br></font>";	
      	} elseif (strstr($fullurl,"")){
      		$var3 = file_get_contents($fullurl);
      		$checked = $checked +1;
      		if(strpos($var3,"404 Page Not Found")){
      			$status =  " <font color =\"red\">(file not found!)<br></font>";	
      		} elseif(strpos($var3,"Sorry, the file you requested is not available.")){
      			$status =  " <font color =\"red\">(file not found!)<br></font>";	
      		} else {
      			$status =  " <font color =\"green\">(file found!)<br></font>";
      			$working = $working + 1;
      	} elseif(strstr($fullurl,"")){
      		$var5 = file_get_contents($fullurl);
      		$checked = $checked + 1;
      		if(strpos($var,"You want to download the file ")){
      		$status =  " <font color=\"green\">(file found!)<br></font>";
      		$working = $working + 1;
      		if(strpos($var,"File not found.")){
      		$status =  " <font color=\"red\">(file not found!)<br></font>";  
      		if(strpos($var," deleted.")){
      		$status =  " <font color=\"red\">(file deleted!)<br></font>";
      	} elseif (strstr($fullurl,"")){
      		$var4 = file_get_contents($fullurl);
      		$checked = $checked +1;
      			$status =  " <font color =\"green\">(file found!)<br></font>";	
      			$working = $working + 1;
      		if(strpos($var4,"Invalid Quickkey.")){
      			$status =  " <font color =\"red\">(file not found!)<br></font>";	
      		if(strpos($var4,"I want to upload")){
      			$status =  " <font color =\"red\">(file not found!)<br></font>";	
      	} else {
      		$status =  "";	

    • Find this code in the Same File :

      $link = "<a href=\"$fullurl\" target=\"_blank\">$name</a>";

      Replace this with :

      $link = "<a href=\"$fullurl\" target=\"_blank\">$name</a> -".$status;

Preview :

[Image: or2z4x.jpg]

This will replace any links inserted without a given title, that is like to its title as text, that is, it will be shown as Google

RE: [Release for mybb 1.4.x] Title as Url text - Shadowdare - 2009-06-23

This plugin looks promising and very useful to identify post links easier!

I have a few questions:
1) Can you explain what you mean by "It also, adds any text given by user."
2) What happens if you click the last post link?
3) What happens if you click a permalink of the post (post #)?

RE: [Release for mybb 1.4.x] Title as Url text - sushruth - 2009-06-24

(2009-06-23, 08:31 PM)Mushu Wrote: This plugin looks promising and very useful to identify post links easier!

I have a few questions:
1) Can you explain what you mean by "It also, adds any text given by user."
2) What happens if you click the last post link?
3) What happens if you click a permalink of the post (post #)?

Mushu , This plugin is only for links in a post and not the whole forum links. (It would be awful if i do it for the whole forum and every linked text would be more than 20 chars long which spoils the forum's look)

By Saying "It also, adds any text given by user." I mean it adds the user's text after the title as below (the mod is not installed here and this is just a demo) :


Result : Google : UserText

EDIT : And any Moderators here, please change the topic's title and link in the forum to "[Release for mybb 1.4.x] Append Url Title to its text"

RE: [Release for mybb 1.4.x] Title as Url text - Diogo Parrinha - 2009-06-24

Oh this is cool

RE: [Release for mybb 1.4.x] Title as Url text - Shadowdare - 2009-06-24

Thank you Sushruth! I will find this very useful! Wink

RE: [Release for mybb 1.4.x] Title as Url text - ghazal - 2009-06-24

Very Very good Idea..!

Its promissing and have a great potential on its own...!

Keep it up

RE: [Release for mybb 1.4.x] Title as Url text - Rafael - 2009-06-24

Good, i was looking for something like this Smile

This consume bandwith for my server? Or Excessive resources (querys, etc)?

RE: [Release for mybb 1.4.x] Title as Url text - sushruth - 2009-06-24

(2009-06-24, 02:07 PM)rafaweb Wrote: Good, i was looking for something like this Smile

This consume bandwith for my server? Or Excessive resources (querys, etc)?

Actually, a post does not contain more than 20 links right ?

it does not affect the page loading time untill there are more than 25-30 links in a single post of a thread.

RE: [Release for mybb 1.4.x] Title as Url text - sushruth - 2009-07-06

Again new release :


Fixed some bugs (major)

and some stupid code (lol)

changed version number to 0.3 Smile


FIXED : Clash with auto url parse

RE: [Release for mybb 1.4.x] Append Url Title to Text 0.6 - ghazal - 2009-07-06

Very good, Thanks sushruth

Keep it up