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Unknown Location and IE PM Issues - Printable Version

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Unknown Location and IE PM Issues - Aaron217 - 2009-07-29

1) Viewing Unknown Location; Someone try to figure it out, I have spent countless days editing the online.php, functions_online.php and the other one with no luck the result is always Unknown Location.

I tried posting this in the thread by Matt but no one was able to help me and this is starting to be a issue.

2) Private Messages will not show to users using Internet Explorer 6 or higher. This also I have been trying to fix with no luck.

Both of these problems were caused from the MyBB Merge System when I merged from vBulletin --> MyBB 1.4.7 then updated to MyBB 1.4.8

- Aaron

RE: Unknown Location and IE PM Issues - Eric - 2009-07-30

Well, if it's a problem after you made an upgrade, then it isn't a problem with your online.php or functions_online.php. It has to be a MySQL error, so Matt could possibly look at it again?

(Also, since it's dealing with merge problems, it's probably best fitted for the merge system support section)

RE: Unknown Location and IE PM Issues - Matt - 2009-07-30

There's no MySQL error, it just says unknown location on the WOL.

Can you ask your host what version of the MultiByte extension they have installed??

And I was a bit stumped on the PM issue the last time I looked at it because the templates were fine but just refused to show up in IE o.O

RE: Unknown Location and IE PM Issues - Aaron217 - 2009-07-30

I will ask and get back to you as soon as I can. Probably tomorrow since I have to wait for them to give me a response.

RE: Unknown Location and IE PM Issues - Tomm M - 2009-07-30

The PM error is strange. If you have a PM, are you saying you can't view them in IE, but when you open them in Firefox or another browser, it appears fine?

Is there any error message, blank page?

RE: Unknown Location and IE PM Issues - Aaron217 - 2009-07-30

Works fine in FireFox, don't know about anyothers. In IE it shows the footer stuff like the footer is leaking in but Matt checked and the footer wasn't.

RE: Unknown Location and IE PM Issues - Aaron217 - 2009-07-31

My host said he doesn't know since he got laid off but from what he remembers its a fairly old build. I tried what ryan suggested but it didn't work.

RE: Unknown Location and IE PM Issues - Aaron217 - 2009-08-02

I have fixed the Internet Explorer Private Message Error, I will not share how I did just that. Your Merge error cost me a lot of time looking at your datahandler's please make sure you guys fix the errors when your merge system has a new release.

- Aaron
Same applies to the Unknown Location.