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[code] HTML? - Printable Version

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[code] HTML? - .Paradox - 2009-07-31

Hello everyone, I'm trying to figure out what HTML code or whatever script language is used to make the [code] tag. But I can't.

Can someone please give me the HTML for the [code] tag? (the replacement basically)

RE: [code] HTML? - bositman - 2009-07-31

This is it:
<div class="codeblock">
<div class="title">Code:<br />

</div><div class="body" dir="ltr"><code>Your text here</code></div></div>

RE: [code] HTML? - .Paradox - 2009-07-31

(2009-07-31, 08:22 AM)bositman Wrote: This is it:
<div class="codeblock">
<div class="title">Code:<br />

</div><div class="body" dir="ltr"><code>Your text here</code></div></div>

Thanks, but is there any way to make it so it doesn't parse HTML in it? I edited the downloads manager plugin to be a tutorial plugin and when I enabled HTML in it (it's fine since only admin's can do it, I don't see why he made it so you couldn't) I couldn't do things like


as it just wouldn't let me. So I just completely stripped out the parser so I can do whatever I want. But, in the code box, it parses HTML. Is there a code I can add in the download page to not parse html in code tags?

Super Quick Edit:

Nevermind. I'm stupid. I forgot I could just put &lt; and &gt; to make the <>'s and not parse it.

RE: [code] HTML? - Matt - 2009-07-31

The point of the [code] tag is that it doesn't get parsed, it shouldn't parse anything...

RE: [code] HTML? - .Paradox - 2009-08-01

Yes well in the plugin I had to completely remove the parser from the coding because even if I set the allow HTML value to 1, It wouldn't let me put things like

onclick="alert('stuff here')"

I don't know why, but that kind of thing didn't work. So once I took out the MyBB parser completely, I could do it, but couldn't do [code] because I removed the parser, so when I used the HTML version, it parsed the HTML because there is no MyBB parser to tell it not to parse the HTML...if that makes any sense.