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{$usersbrowsing} on custom page? - Printable Version

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+------ Thread: {$usersbrowsing} on custom page? (/thread-53994.html)

{$usersbrowsing} on custom page? - JoeyDuke - 2009-08-01

Is it possible to get the "Users viewing this page:" on a custom page?

I tried putting in {$usersbrowsing} but that didnt work?

Any help? Smile

RE: {$usersbrowsing} on custom page? - Matt - 2009-08-01

It'll need some sort of extra modification because {$usersbrowsing} is specific to forumdisplay.php

RE: {$usersbrowsing} on custom page? - JoeyDuke - 2009-08-01

How can you change what "hooks" (Right name?) is specific too?

Got anywhere I could start? Or is it all very hardcoded and impossible?