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I get this error very often. - Printable Version

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I get this error very often. - themude - 2009-08-04

I get this error very often...I have to refresh page again and again...

I have attached the error pls see it and tell me the reason.


RE: I get this error very often. - skywalker2208 - 2009-08-04

You would need to talk to your host about why your site loses connection with the database. Seems like the connection to the database is unreliable.

RE: I get this error very often. - themude - 2009-08-04

Means the host is bad....And its server is down always....Am i right???

If there any other solution then pls tell me.

RE: I get this error very often. - Joshua Mayer - 2009-08-05

No, there isn't any other solutions. It is a problem with your hosts MySQL server. You need to contact them.