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ibProArcade Database Error - Printable Version

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ibProArcade Database Error - minig - 2006-01-02

I'm trying to install the iBProArcade on my forum, but I get an SQL error when I try to install:

mySQL query error: CREATE TABLE mybb_games_scores (
    				s_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
                    mid int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
                    gid int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
                    name text NOT NULL,
                    score FLOAT(11) NOT NULL default '0',
                    ip text NOT NULL,
                    comment text NOT NULL,
                    datescored int(10) NOT NULL,
                PRIMARY KEY (s_id)) TYPE=MyISAM

mySQL error: Table 'mybb_games_scores' already exists
mySQL error code: 
Date: Sunday 01st of January 2006 07:25:00 PM
Can anyone help me with this?

Thanks, it's appreciated Smile.


RE: ibProArcade Database Error - Dennis Tsang - 2006-01-02

Seems like you've installed it already?
Quote:Table 'mybb_games_scores' already exists

RE: ibProArcade Database Error - minig - 2006-01-02

Hmm, that's odd, I've only installed it once.

I'll see if it works though, once I change all the files.


RE: ibProArcade Database Error - minig - 2006-01-02

I've got another problem Rolleyes

I'm supposed to search for

if(!strstr($mybb['location'], "member.php?action=avatar") && !$noonline)
	$db->query("UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX."online SET uid='$mybb[uid]', time='$time', location='$mybb[location]', ip='$ipaddress' WHERE (ip='$ipaddress' AND uid='$mybb[uid]') OR (ip='$ipaddress')");
		$db->query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."online VAlUES ('$mybb[uid]', '$ipaddress', '$time', '$mybb[location]')");
in global.php, however I can't find that code. Any ideas?

RE: ibProArcade Database Error - NadavP2 - 2006-01-02

Let me ask you something, Can you tell me where to get iBProArcade For MyBB?
Beacuse in the official site there is no link for MyBB :\

RE: ibProArcade Database Error - minig - 2006-01-02

Click here: Smile

RE: ibProArcade Database Error - NadavP2 - 2006-01-02

Thanks, Added to your rating Smile

RE: ibProArcade Database Error - NadavP2 - 2006-01-02

And me nither cant find that orange in global.php Sad
Someone know if needed to skip that? Or the text changed to something else? :\

--Edit: A Bigger problem, I Think after the 1.01 Update, MyBB Team changed many things, Beacuse in the ibproarcade instructions there is many stuff that isnt in the templates/files.--

RE: ibProArcade Database Error - Snake - 2006-01-02

Yes I think this mod was made for RC4. considering the postdate was last year.

RE: ibProArcade Database Error - minig - 2006-01-02

Hmm... is there a way to get this working for 1.0?