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Complete 1.x Installation guide (using cPanel) - Printable Version

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Complete 1.x Installation guide (using cPanel) - webaph - 2006-01-27

MyBulletinBoard 1.0 Installation Guide

[1]Introduction & Copyright
[2.1]Working with the MySQL database
[2.2]File Management and Uploading
[2.3]Using the installer
[3]Useful stuff
[3.1]Finding a good host
[3.2]Installing Themes
[3.3]Tips & Tricks


This guide is based on installing the MyBB 1.0 Bulletin Board software. This will guide you step-by-step from creating the database, to using the installer.
This guide is copyrighted to Sector Script Installation.
Please remember this guide is based on cPanelX

[2]Installing MyBB

[2.1]Working with the database
To install MyBB, you must be running on a host/server which supports PHP & MySQL. If you don't have a host, please see the section [3.1] on this guide.

To start installing, log in to your cPanel. Once logged in, look for a link that reads "MySQL Databases" and click it. When it loads, look for a box where it

says "Create new database". In it, enter "mybb" or any name you want to name the database (this won't affect the link to your board). Please remember, if you

entered "mybb" as the database name, the actual name will be "cpanelusername_mybb". For example, if your cPanel login name is "superman", the databse name

would be "superman_mybb".

So, when the database has been created, now return to that MySQL management page and look where it says "create new user". You may also enter "mybb" there,

and choose your password, and REMEMBER IT!!!, you won't be able to retrieve it if you forget it. Once the user is created, return to the database management

page. Below the currently active databases there should be an option that says "Add user to DB", with two drop-down boxes and permissions below them. Select

the mybb database user and the database. On the permissions, remember to select "All Permissions", and then press the button below that reads "Add user".
Database configuration is now complete. Now you will learn about file management through FTP.

[2.2]File Management and Uploading
Next step is uploading all files.

Using your FTP client, upload all the contents of the "Upload" folder to your server. You don't have to upload the "Upload" folder itself. If you want the

board to be in your domain homepage, upload everything to on the public_html folder. If you wish to install on /forum or something, create that folder on the

public_html folder and upload everything to that new folder.

If you don't have an FTP client, a free, good, and recommended one is Smart FTP, or you may also upload file by file on your

cPanel File Manager. Please see the section [3.3] for faster ways to upload.

Once everything has been uploaded, using your FTP client you must change these file and folder permissions to 0777.

To do this (if you are using Smart FTP), right click on the mentioned file, and press the "Change Permissions" option. Select ALL boxes. You may also do this

on the cPanel File Manager. Simply open the file manager and search for the file and select it. Press the change permissions button and click all boxes.

Remember that changing just the numbers won't work, you have to actually select the boxes; the numbers will change by themselves.
Next step is using the installer.

[2.3]Using the installer
Now it's the time to use the installer. Once you have finished uploading everything and change permissions on the files on the above step, point your browser

to or or whereever you have MyBB uploaded, the point is to go to the

install folder, and index.php inside it.

When open, it should have a MyBB introduction, it can be useful to read it. Press the "Next" button to go to the second step, the Terms of Service (READ

IT!). Next step would be the requirements check. If everything is ok, click "Next". When asked for database configuration, select MySQL, on the username you

should put the username you selected when creating the database user, which should be like "cpanelusername_dbusername", and the password for that user. The

database name is obviously the name of the database, which should be like "cpanelusername_mybb" or substitute that "mybb" with the db name you entered.

When asked for Forum details, it should be all about the forum name, index.php location, website name and url, etc... Then the Administrator Information

should be the username, email, password etc.. for the ADMINISTRATOR, that is you, first member of the board. So keep pressing next and when asked for

something, submit it, if not, just press next until it has finished. Once finished, delete the whole /install/ directory. By not doing so, any hacker would

be able to delete your whole board. If you want even more security, change the config.php file permissions to 0666, but remember to leave settings.php

YIPEE Installation is finished, you may now visit your new forum, login to the Admin CP and start playing around (expression).

[3]Useful Stuff

[3.1]Finding a good host (and recommended ones!)
Ok, so here's some tips on finding a host.

- Cheap prices suck. I mean, hosts like unlimited space and bandwith for like $2/monthly really sucks. Servers must be so slow and crappy, always down, etc.
- Good quality. Some hosts, such as are often down. You wouldn't like your forum to be down all the time, right?
- Don't expect finding a free host with many good features.
- If the host has huge text or pop-ups saying "We are the best and cheapest host on the web!!!!11!1!!", then it is really not that good.
- Make sure they fit your needs and have some good reviews.

Recommended hosts:

[3.2]Installing Themes
Maybe you downloaded a theme but have no idea how to install it. The downloaded package should have a folder full of images and a .xml file. First thing to

do is upload the folder full of images into the /images/ folder on your server (remember to upload the folder, not just the files, and make sure you keep the

name as it is, and don't rename anything). Now go to your ACP, on the left look where it says "Import" on the "Themes" section. Browse the file on your

computer. If you wish, select a custom name and a parent theme. Next two options should be radio selections, select "yes" on both. Press the "Import Theme"

button and it should be imported. You may set it as default by going to the "Modify / Delete" page on the Themes section, and press the drop-down besides

that theme, and select "Set as Default". Now go to your user cp > Edit Options > Style and select the imported one.

[3.3]Other Tips & Tricks

Easier uploading with cPanel
When you download MyBB, extract everything. Now open the folder where it is extracted, create a new .zip archive, and move the "Upload" folder into it. Now

upload the folder to your public_html folder on your server. Press on that .zip archive, and select "Extract File Contents". This will create a folder named

"Upload" on your server with all the MyBB files already, and all you have to do is change the permissions and install, and if you want, rename that folder.

This method can save up a lot of time if done correctly.

Creating a database backup with PHPMyAdmin
Login to phpMyAdmin, select your database, press "Export" at the top, and select ALL TABLES. Then press .gzipped option and press export button. This will

download a copy of your database to your computer, in case you need one. You should do backups every week, just for security.

More to come....
Comments? REPLY!!!


RE: Complete 1.0 Installation guide (using cPanel) - coolmaster - 2006-04-13

iRylan Wrote:What do I put for localhost?
I suggest you leave it the way it is.

RE: Complete 1.0 Installation guide (using cPanel) - zaher1988 - 2006-04-13

Quote:iRylan Wrote:

What do I put for localhost?

I suggest you leave it the way it is.

If your hosting company doesn't support you with a specific host, then just leave it as it is. else you will need to use what you host company asked to ( e.g for those who specify the host is


Nice job on the tutorial!! - Kaimon - 2006-05-12

Thanks for this informative tutorial. It was very useful to me.

RE: Complete 1.x Installation guide (using cPanel) - Tabo - 2006-06-11

help look what happens when i reach theame install:

Theme InsertionLoading and importing theme and template file..

mySQL error: 1142
DELETE command denied to user: 'tabo_mybb@localhost' for table 'mybb_themes'
Query: DELETE FROM mybb_themes

RE: Complete 1.x Installation guide (using cPanel) - zaher1988 - 2006-06-13

Seems to me like a server side problem, so please make sure to contact your hosting company.


RE: Complete 1.x Installation guide (using cPanel) - apo - 2007-04-24

I have done everything like in tutorial,but i can't accsess install/index.php I can't install my forum. What might be a problem?
I am getting error like this:

The requested URL /forum/install/index.php was not found on this server. (requested file is in there)
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Please help me,thanks..

RE: Complete 1.x Installation guide (using cPanel) - destroyer - 2007-04-24

Looks like you didn't upload all files.

Please use MyBB 1.2.5, the latest version. Otherwise you could be hacked and such... download it from

RE: Complete 1.x Installation guide (using cPanel) - Ryan Gordon - 2007-04-24

Closed. Please use the installation guide on the wiki: [Wiki: Installing] (Broken link, head over to instead)