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[1.4/1.6] MyBBanners - Printable Version

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[1.4/1.6] MyBBanners - Dvdxseo - 2010-12-12

[Image: name.png] Name: MyBBanners
[Image: author.png] Author: Dvdxseo
[Image: compatibility.png] Compatibility: MyBB 1.4, MyBB 1.6
[Image: plugin.png] Released: 12/12/2010
[Image: version.png] Version: 1.0
[Image: description.png] Description: This simple plugin allows you to have more than one logo for your board and to randomize them. You can insert how many logos you want.
[Image: plugin.png] Languages: English
[Image: plugin.png] Download: Attachment Or MyBB mods site ( )
[Image: screens.png] Screenshoots: &
[Image: screens.png] Demo:
[Image: compatibility.png] Installation: Just Upload the inc folder to your forum root folder and activate it from the admin cp.

You're not allowed to redistribute it without my permissions. You can edit the code but you must keep my credits.

RE: [1.4/1.6] MyBBanners - Dvdxseo - 2010-12-16

Thread Approved, and plugin approved on the mods site Big Grin

RE: [1.4/1.6] MyBBanners - RocketFoot - 2010-12-16

Very nice! Thanks!

RE: [1.4/1.6] MyBBanners - Yaldaram - 2010-12-16

Looks good.

RE: [1.4/1.6] MyBBanners - ketto93 - 2010-12-16

Good David Big Grin

RE: [1.4/1.6] MyBBanners - Dvdxseo - 2010-12-16

Thanks to all Big Grin