Security for a Forum
I need some security for one of my forums, i don't want to use passwords as people could tell someone the password... I can't get the permissions by usergroup to work at all for some reason...

I would like a mod that would allow me to add usernames to an "allowed" list so those people on the "allowed list" are granted permission to read and write to a forum where as those not on the "allowed list" wouldn't be able to...

Is there such a mod? Or could anyone help me with one? Or at least point me in the direction of creating one? hehe Smile

I appreciate any help Smile
I'm not sure what you asking for
but if I get the right mean, you want to make none able to read or write, in your forum..
so close the registration!
Official Arabic Translator.
Lol no no far from it... Not the WHOLE forum, just one category... I want it so i can add a username to a permission list to allow them access to that category... It's difficult to explain hehe Smile

Category 1: Allows access to all registered members...
Category 2: Allows access to "allowed list"

I was going to do it by usergroup, to set permission so only one usergroup can enter the category, so the user pm's me and asks for admission and then i add him/her to the usergroup which allow him access to the category but it just didn't work...

The problem is i don't think i can explain the problem i'm having with permissions, it's just not working lol, i have 2 forums and it don't work on either (obviously something i am doing wrong hehe) but it would be nice to have the allowed list...

If that wouldn't be possible i guess i will have to try and figure out what i am doing wrong with the permissions...
now I get what you meant Toungue lol

ok I'll try to explaing the right way to do that, and you figure out what you did in wrong way Toungue

creat a new group, with the permission you want,
then go to Manage Forums
press permissions for the forum for the allowed list members
uncheck all marks, and check only the marks for the allowed list, and the mods groups you would like theme to access this forum!

too easy see? Toungue
Official Arabic Translator.
Yea did that and it was the wrong way round, the ones i unticked could see the forum whilst the ones i had ticked couldn't lol Wink I think it's something to do with the red inherit/default ?? hehe
no, just rebuild forum permission cash if the problem still exist Toungue
Official Arabic Translator.
Hmm, sorry to sound like a newb lol but where would i find that? Smile
Ooooh never mind i found it LOL sitting there right infront of me Wink You know how it is hehe Smile

The problem still seems to be there tho... The ones that are ticked are red and should be default, where as the ones that have been unticked are black but should be red for custom?
in your acp, under Maintenance press Cache Manager
and rebuild the forum permissions cach
Official Arabic Translator.
After logging out of the forum it looks like no one can see the forum now... The usergroups i had ticked are red, non ticked black but no one can see it lol?

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