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[For 1.6] Forum Affiliate Manager
(2011-03-13, 07:35 PM)katib Wrote: Nice Plugin
Is it possible to add an option to add box either at footer or at header?

I can incorporate that feature into the next version of the plugin.

Until then, you can manually change its location by editing your theme's footer template, and moving the {$affiliates} variable to another template of your choice.
[Image: igG319dTu71gT.png]
Here's a bug, it rips the ":" from the URL.
Stuck somewhere on MyBB and need some help? Don't hesitate to PM me, I'm always happy to help you.
[Image: 4bIL7E3.png]
Themer, crappy coder!
(2011-03-13, 10:37 PM)Lith Wrote: Here's a bug, it rips the ":" from the URL.

In the plugin file (./inc/plugins/affiliates.php), find and replace the following (line 194).

header("Location: http://".$affiliate['link']."");

Replace with:
header("Location: ".$affiliate['link']."");

This should fix the issue.
[Image: igG319dTu71gT.png]
New version released. See first post for details.
[Image: igG319dTu71gT.png]

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Excellent, works great.
I have a question, i would like it to center the 3 images i am using with the total width. How can i do this?

See here what i mean with this layout,
[Image: 2iavcqg.jpg]

Thanks Smile
is there any way to change the allowed size of images....most affiliates i know of have their own pics, and i have yet to see one that is that small. I do a card making and craft site, and have made a section in pro portal to put affiliates and this would be great for the main forum, if it would allow bigger pictures
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It already has that setting,
ACP - Configuration / Board Settings / Forum Affiliates

Maximum Dimensions
What is the maximum affiliate image dimensions?

Mine is set to 320x100, i just need them all to center as i said above.
thanks littleg I didnt realise there were extra settings.
As for the problem with centering I have found a template that gets put addef for it at
Tempmplate Sets » Global Templates > list_affiliates, but dont know if you would be able to do anything with that.

I have also found that the installer php files creates the following in the database for when it is displaying

<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"4\" class=\"tborder\"> 
<td class=\"thead\" colspan=\"5\"> 
<tr class=\"trow1\"> 

you could either find that in the database and edit the code to align in, or deactivate the plugin, uninstall it, edit the php file (this is at line 58 onwards in the installer), and then reactivate the plugin.
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Thanks pob13, i think you are correct.
Maybe in that "Global Templates / affiliates" i can do the needed change?
Trouble is, i don't know what to add and where. I hope spencer can give us the need help. This is a great plugin, i just need this 1 small change and its perfect for me.
That template you are showing is the "Global Templates / affiliates"

This one is "Global Templates / list_affiliates"
<span style="width:{$maxwidth}px;height:{$maxheight}px;float:left;margin-right:5px;margin-bottom: 2px;text-align:left;"><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/index.php?action=visit&amp;id={$affiliate['id']}&amp;key={$mybb->post_code}"><img src="{$mybb->settings['uploadspath']}/affiliates/{$affiliate['image']}" alt="" width="auto" height="auto" title="{$affiliate['name']}"></a></span>

My money is on that being the template i need to edit?

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