So, I had the hankering recently to create a Game of Thrones forum. It's been a while since I delved into coding, and I have never used MyBB before in my life. However, I have tried to apply some of your theories into the design I have in mind.
I only have the index (semi) completed at the moment, but it looks to be shaping up a bit.
I know already that the thead font is too hard for the background it is on; however with only 5 minutes left at a laptop, that'll need to wait until another day.
Let me know if you have any comments or feedback with it.
P.s. I hope you don't mind me using some stuff you had already thought of; I figured I had changed it enough to make sure that both our forums would look completely different, click to see enlarged:
I only have the index (semi) completed at the moment, but it looks to be shaping up a bit.
I know already that the thead font is too hard for the background it is on; however with only 5 minutes left at a laptop, that'll need to wait until another day.
Let me know if you have any comments or feedback with it.
P.s. I hope you don't mind me using some stuff you had already thought of; I figured I had changed it enough to make sure that both our forums would look completely different, click to see enlarged: