Not Solved PHP in Templates and Template Conditionals
Not Solved
I have 2 custom profile fields and here is what I wish to do:

1. If both are filled in the UCP, show them both in the postbit.
2. If only one is filled in, then show only that one in the post bit.

I also want it to be wrapped in a <div> tag which is styled to have those fields in a small box on the postbit, how I would I make it so if the custom profile fields aren't filled in, then the small box also won't show?

I have tried all the <if> statements I could find.

Messages In This Thread
RE: PHP in Templates and Template Conditionals - by Glandus - 2013-09-29, 04:41 AM
RE: Template conditionals - by expat - 2015-01-31, 05:28 AM

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