Not Solved Need help with installing plugins on MyBB.
Not Solved
First at all you may be sure about your MyBB version and compatibility with plugins.

After that you can use filezilla or some FTP program.

Then you have to upload all files correctly to your FTP and when you install you can't see any kind of troubles.

You can upgrade and put one theme to do more functional and when all it's done you can see if one ore two mods can help to your own purposes, and thats all, if you have errors on installing some mods, plugins or any you have to test which is up to date to make a functional and stable forum board.
The only infinite thing is the universe and human stupidity, but the universe is not for sure

Plugins 1.6.x

Plugins 1.8.x


Messages In This Thread
RE: Need help with installing plugins on MyBB. - by Whiteneo - 2013-12-15, 09:19 PM

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