Not Solved [Last poster avatar] Minors display adjustements needed
Not Solved Lightbulb 
Concerned mod:


I see that the text is not well positioned with respect to the old/dev version and it's no longer possible to add "padding" or "vertical-align" from the default template (as with the old/dev version)...

Forums list / Threads list :
  • Version #3 : [Image: ecymF8c.jpg] [Image: fqGfPgw.jpg]

  • Version #2 : [Image: 9xZVbvF.jpg] [Image: nSS0tTZ.jpg]

So I suggest that the vertical alignment be centered and that the marge between avatar and text it be 10px (I think is the most visually friendly).

Possibly, I also suggest to move thread's icon to in a specific column beside author's avatar (left or right... I don't know which is the best choice).

That's it! Big Grin
Thank you.

Messages In This Thread
[Last poster avatar] Minors display adjustements needed - by verspax - 2014-09-29, 01:38 PM

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