Hi, to allow to users look own likes:
In mylikes.php
Change in
In template postbit_mylikes_button you'll need edit text "I like / I don't like" with template conditionals of mybbhacks.zingaburga.com.
Add <if $mybb->user['uid']!=$post['uid'] then> .. </if> around {$mylikes}.
Mine is this, your could be a few different, so add only <if> thing:
In mylikes.php
if($mybb->user['uid'] == $post['uid'])
Change in
if($mybb->user['uid'] == $post['uid'])
$post['button_like'] = eval($templates->render("postbit_mylikes_button"));
In template postbit_mylikes_button you'll need edit text "I like / I don't like" with template conditionals of mybbhacks.zingaburga.com.
Add <if $mybb->user['uid']!=$post['uid'] then> .. </if> around {$mylikes}.
Mine is this, your could be a few different, so add only <if> thing:
<if $mybb->user['uid']!=$post['uid'] then>
<a href="javascript:addLike({$post['pid']}, {$post['uid']}, {$likes}, '{$success}', '{$delete}', '{$lang->mylikes_likes}', '{$lang->mylikes_like}', '{$lang->mylikes_unlike}');"><span id="like_{$post['pid']}" class="mylikes_like {$liked}">{$mylikes}</span></a>