[Ajax/Websocket] Yui Shoutbox - 2.4.0
Yui Shoutbox - RC

[Image: wU0LvkC.png]

This shoutbox not has PM, please do not insist, not possible to add in this, because you not logged in shoutbox, all message it is delivered to all connected users without exception. Miuna Shoutbox possible because shoutbox know what person is connected, so can choice in which person the message will be delivered.

Features that will be added till the final version:
- Word filters (please not insist in add this in Miuna Shoutbox) Done in 0.2.
- Your suggestions



User: test
pass: test123

Ps. need create account, but not need activation. So you can provide fake email etc.


- Nodejs server to install Yui Shoutbox server (you can use Openshift (free))
- Mybb 1.8 with curl enabled in server (without curl, some features won't work.)



How install Yui Shoutbox Server in Openshift:

1 - Create account in Openshift https://www.openshift.com/app/account/new
2 - Create new application (MEAN):
[Image: Q5yl7nk.png]
[Image: zHvszxT.png]

3 - Will open new page, so add information as image below:
[Image: 0FKvtZB.png]

In public Url: First textbox: yuishout
secound textbox: whatever you want

Source code: First textbox: Past here link below:

secound textbox: master

Scaling: No scaling (unfortunately this shoutbox does not work properly with scaling)

4 - Click in Create application
[Image: M2YQhII.png]
Ps. This step takes a long time, please have patience

5 - Now click in your server link:
[Image: lsiFDV4.png]

6 - Check if open something below:
[Image: e4ABTC3.png]

7 - Now click in "Server Configuration"

8 - Check if open something below:
[Image: lCHZbRd.png]

9 - Complete all field

- User name: user account used to communicate between the forum and the node server. You need put this information in ACP of forum too, so copy this information in note pad.

- Password: password of user account used to communicate between the forum and the node server. You need put this information in ACP of forum too, so copy this information in note pad.

- Your forum link: put here link of your forum

10 - Click in "Save button"

11 - Check if appear something below:
[Image: WQWZJqh.png]

Copy value of Yui Shoutbox Server Link and Yui Shoutbox Server Socket.io address. (need this information after)

12 - Click in Return to Openshift

13 - Now restart application
[Image: RYvG0CD.png]
Ps. This step takes a long time, please have patience

14 - Installation of Yui Shout server in Openshift finished.

Install Yui Shoutbox client:

Download plugin: https://github.com/martec/Yui-Shoutbox-C...ses/latest

How Install plugin:

In configuration of plugin:

Yes in "Enable Yui Shoutbox?"

Link to Yui Shoutbox server: past here address that you copied in step 11. Something like https://yuishout-xxxxxx.rhcloud.com

Ps. Without slash after link

Socket.io address:
Address to Yui Shoutbox server Socket.io: past here address that you copied in step 11. Something like wss://yuishout-xxxxxx.rhcloud.com:8443

Yui Shoutbox Server Username: Samething of you puted in step 9
Yui Shoutbox Server Passsword: Samething of you puted in step 9

It´s all.


[Image: btn_donateCC_LG.gif]


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[Ajax/Websocket] Yui Shoutbox - 2.4.0 - by martec - 2015-06-17, 05:21 AM

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